Trying to keep your children away from a screen is almost as hard as keeping a bear from a pot of honey. For many parents that are struggling to limit the screen time that their children get and support more educational learning and quality time, an “if you can’t beat them, join them,” attitude is what is working.

More parents than ever before are relying on computers to aid in homeschooling. With so much time spent in front of the monitor, it can be tough to find quality content. Parents that are more involved with their kids’ screen time can reap the rewards of quality time that everyone enjoys. Give yourself and your children more time together by delegating some of your cleaning tasks to the pros at and focus on spending time together.
If your kids would rather play a video game, there are a few ways that you can ensure that those hours aren’t completely wasted. There are plenty of educational and developmental games that can be beneficial for kids. One of the best ways to take advantage of screen time is to make it a family affair.
For parents that are looking for video games that are fun and challenging for the whole family, there are a few options to choose from. Whether you are a busy mom or a dad that likes to get more involved than just spoiling your kids with your famous pork belly recipe, it’s time to get involved and start playing with your kids. Let’s take a look at some of the top video games that are fun for your kids and still a challenge for you.
Super Mario Bros. 3
Younger parents are already familiar with the Mario Bros world making it a favorite for the whole family. The design of this game takes cooperative play to the next level. There are not only features that are easy to navigate and entertain but built-in challenges that can help your children to learn and explore.
Although the basics of the game are easy for children to follow, there are still many aspects and special features that can challenge any player, even parents. Take turns or play on teams as a family with this entertaining version of the beloved classic Mario Bros.
Rayman Legends
You can get the whole family playing this beautifully designed and entertaining adventure game. The learning curve is adaptable to skill so that your kids will love the challenge instead of getting frustrated. You can play up to four characters at a time, making it a great family night activity. The game design is detailed and gorgeous on the screen and has many elements of humor and encouragement.
This game was specifically designed to help strengthen problem-solving skills in children. In fact, there are many schools that incorporate this game into their regular teachings as a powerful learning tool. You and your children can start by building an empire and challenging your creativity.
Rocket League
Put the game of soccer and racecars together and you already have the start of a game that all kids will love. Rocket League is a multiplayer single screen game that is a great challenge and lots of fun for the whole family. The setup may take some assistance from parents but, once the characters are set up kids can challenge parents or play on their own.
The undeniable pull of the video screen to our youngsters is an issue that many parents struggle with. Getting involved in exactly what your child is watching or playing is just the beginning of the solution. Try adding some of these family-friendly games to your children’s game library and take the time to make video games playing a family event.