Being first-time parents can be exciting and at the same time terrifying. There are tons of suggestions from the people around you to get that and these. There are so many things to do and prepare for the arrival of your baby. It can be frustrating and stressful at times.
Do you really know which one your baby really needs? If you answered NO, don’t fret, it’s natural to have that kind of frustration. At this point, you have to decide if you’ll go on breastfeeding full time or bottle feeding or a combination of both methods. If you decide to go bottle-feeding, you need to have decent baby bottle makers, this item is essential in making sure that it is safe for your newborn. Choosing a quality feeding bottle provides convenience and comfort for your baby. Choosing a suitable feeding bottle is crucial in giving an optimal feeding experience for your baby.
Actually, your newborn baby doesn’t really need so much stuff. You just need some basic stuff like diapers, a place where you can put him to sleep, clothes, and a blanket to keep him warm.
If you’re still not sure what to include in your baby essentials shopping list, read on to learn more.
List Of Must-haves For First-time Parents:
Baby’s Wardrobe Essentials
You can get your newborn some wardrobe essentials such as onesies, snap clothes, some pair of pajamas, and a few socks to keep them warm. Look for clothes that are comfortable for a newborn to wear. Well, it is really nice to look at your newborn with a nice outfit but you have to prioritize ease and comfort. You have to remember that babies grow up so fast, you don’t need to have too many clothes for them because eventually, they will outgrow them.
Baby Gear
This item depends on your lifestyle and the level of urgency to have this item. You can just go for a travel system, or baby carriers, or car seat, or a good stroller. Choosing baby gear depends on your lifestyle, if you are an on the go mom, you can opt for baby gears that would enable you to bring along your newborn. If you’ll be working on household chores, you can opt for a baby sling, so you can still snuggle your newborn while doing some chores.
Sleeping Essentials
It is important to consider that the place where your baby is sleeping is conducive enough that promotes better sleep. In the first few months, you can opt for a bassinet. You can place the bassinet right beside your bed for easy access for diaper changes and feeding sessions. When the baby grows, you can put them into a crib. You also have to consider the right beddings. There are plenty of cases of sudden infant death syndrome cases, so it’s better to have your bassinet or crib near you so you can immediately check your baby from time to time. Especially when they are still a few weeks old because SIDS usually happens to less than a year old babies.
Breastfeeding and Bottlefeeding
When you’re breastfeeding you need some nipple creams to ease sore nipples, a breast pump to pump off excess breast milk, and put them into milk bags that you can store in the fridge. It is also important to have nursing bras and nursing cover, these are essentials for you especially when you are outside and you need your baby to feed.
When you’re bottle-feeding, you need feeding bottles, formula milk, and bottle brushes. You need to choose decent formula milk that your baby prefers. Not all formula milk out there is likable to every baby, babies also have tastes and preferences. You also need bottle brushes to properly clean empty bottles.
Solid Feeding Essentials
When your baby reaches the stage for a solid feeding, you can use a high chair. You can choose between those attachable to your dining table or a separate feeding high chair. A full-size high chair is better though because it allows you to move it easily plus it’s easy to clean. The necessity of a high chair is still dependent on your choice. Aside from this, you also need a baby spoon and baby fork, and food bowls.
Health Essentials
It is important to have a first aid kit at home. There are days that your baby is not feeling well or your baby might catch a cold. It is vital to keep a nasal aspirator, thermometer, ointments, nail clippers, and baby-friendly detergents to wash your baby’s clothes. You need to have these health essentials in check just to make sure that you have something that you can use for emergency purposes.
Bathing Essentials
You can use a baby bathtub when bathing your baby. There are baby bathtubs that are fit for your child until 1 year old. Of course, you need soap and shampoo when bathing your baby. You also need baby towels, it should be soft, dry your baby’s gentle skin.
Baby Soothers, Toys, and Entertainment
You just buy a minimal number of toys for your little one. You don’t need a lot of fancy toys to entertain your baby. For soothers, some babies don’t like soothers or pacifiers. You need to test out everything if your baby likes it or not. Always remember to just buy these things for a minimal number.
Safety Gears
As your baby grows, your baby is in the exploring stage. You need to have safety gates, outlet covers, tip covers, drawer covers just to make sure that you’re in a yes environment but still ensure safety. You need to make sure that you’re providing your baby room for exploration while making sure that safety is considered.
Those are the basic stuff that you need for your newborn baby. Other items that are not on the list are the nice to have items. Buying baby essentials is still dependent on your choice and your budget also. You need to make sure that the things you buy for your baby are worth the money and will be useful in real-life scenarios.