As the health of your gut directly correlates with your digestive health and immune system, there are plenty of reasons why it is essential to maintain good gut health during pregnancy. When the bacteria in your gut are healthy and balanced, your baby can absorb nutrients more easily, which is vital for growth.
Also, the healthier your gut is, the healthier your baby’s gut is both during pregnancy and while breastfeeding. Bad gut health can lead to problems during labor, such as preterm labor and issues like colic and reflux once your baby is born. Below are our top tips for improving your gut health while pregnant.
Use Prenatal Probiotics
A prenatal probiotic contains live yeasts and bacteria which can promote a healthy gut. This is usually in the form of a supplement and can give you better results than only consuming probiotic foods. Needed has a prenatal probiotic supplement that contains everything you need to support your health (and your baby’s health too). This prenatal probiotic Is tailored to improve immunity, vaginal health, digestion, and nutrient absorption.
It’s also important to get prenatal omega-3, multivitamins, and Collagen Protein, to give you and your baby the best all-around natural protection. Probiotic supplements can be taken every day in conjunction with a balanced diet. You can also open the tablet and pour the powder into a shake or smoothie. It’s best to look around and find out what sort of solution is not only what you need, but is comfortable for you to take.
Spend Time In The Sun
Vitamin D and gut health are directly linked, so the healthier your gut, the more easily you will be able to metabolize vitamin D. This vitamin is also essential during pregnancy to boost energy levels. When you get pregnant, your doctor should do a blood test to check your levels, to ensure you do not have a deficiency.
Sunshine is the best source of vitamin D, so make sure to get out in the sun as much as you can, just do not forget the sunscreen. 15 minutes a day is enough to get a natural mood boost. You can also take vitamin D supplements, which can improve your energy if you are feeling sluggish, which is only heightened during pregnancy.
Stay Active
Regular exercise is good for your body in more ways than you think. Research has found that exercise can improve your microbiome (which is the bacteria that live in your gut) following just six weeks of exercise. Regular activity can keep your microbiome thriving, but the bacteria can soon go back to normal if you stop. Exercise also improves your digestion and can help with things like constipation during pregnancy as you work to boost your metabolism through movement.
Staying active is also beneficial for other parts of your body too and can help with stiffness and muscle pains. Even a nice gentle pregnancy yoga flow is enough to get your heart pumping and to feel good. It can be more difficult to exercise during pregnancy, so do not push yourself too hard. Do what you can to get moving every day, even if this is just a walk in the park.
Manage Stressors
Stress impacts your gut health which negatively impacts your gut microbiome. It can also cause indigestion and other gut-related issues. You should do what you can to reduce and manage your stress levels, which can impact the baby and your pregnancy. Being a pregnant mother, working a full-time job, and living a hectic life can be stressful work, so you should take time to look after yourself.
Keep an eye on your stress levels and be prepared to say no to plans when you need a rest. It is not just your health you need to think about, and you need all the energy you can as a pregnant mother. Create a daily relaxation practice where you take time for yourself, perhaps doing some gentle stretching exercises or meditation. A warm bath is also a fantastic way to relax aching muscles and reduce any tension you might be holding on to.
Consume A Balanced Diet
We all know the saying “we are what we eat” and this become even more important when you consider that what you eat is also what your baby is eating. Consuming a balanced diet that is full of natural and organic produce, superfoods, healthy fats, and probiotic-rich foods will give your baby the best start in life. A balanced diet will also help you to stay happy and healthy during pregnancy, with lots of energy.
Vegetables are rich in fiber, which will allow your microbiome to thrive. Try to eat at least one portion of vegetables with every meal and snack on foods like carrots and hummus when cravings hit. Diversity is key when choosing your food, so trying a range of different fruit and vegetables is the best way to encourage a healthy gut. You can also get live yogurts made for gut health and other probiotic foods such as kefir and fermented sauerkraut.
There are some things you should limit and avoid during pregnancy, such as processed or chemicalized foods, MSG, GMOs, additives, food coloring, and pesticides. All of these can damage the healthy microbes in your gut. Keep hydrated with water and limit your intake of caffeine during pregnancy. If you are an avid coffee drinker, find out how much caffeine is safe during pregnancy so you can keep yourself and your baby safe.
Taking care of your gut is always important, but even more so during pregnancy. This can improve your pregnancy experience and promote a healthy gut for your baby in the womb and beyond. If you choose to breastfeed, it is also a great idea to continue looking after your gut once your baby is born, for your sake and your baby’s. Follow these top tips to keep your gut health in pristine condition while pregnant, so you can give your baby the very best start in life.