There could be several reasons why you are on this page right now. It’s most likely you are a first-time mom and you’re thinking whether to extend your maternity leave and just quit your job to focus on your child.
Maybe you are a working mom and you just realized your kids are growing and they need more of your guidance, love, and affection now more than ever. Maybe you are a single mom who feels helpless with all the responsibilities of raising a child. Or maybe you are not a mom. Maybe you are a dad or a friend of a first-time mom who is going through such a major transition in her life and needs your support but you are clueless of what to do.
If any of these things is your reason, keep reading. Here are some things to know about being a stay-at-home mom.
Being a SAHM is the hardest job of all
If there are real superheroes in this world, they are those women who choose to stay at home and take care of their kids. Being a stay-at-home mom may seem like the easiest job for people who haven’t had children yet. And it’s not until you find yourself in a SAHM would you realize that no other job or profession can compare to that of moms.
What makes things worse is that most stay-at-home moms don’t seem to get the support they need. In fact, research shows that many SAHMs feel like they are not worthy members of society.
What you need to know is that there are just so many benefits for choosing to stay at home with your kids. Studies show that SAHMs tend to have children who are less aggressive, well-behaved, perform better at school, and are less likely to experience social isolation.
Perhaps these are the reasons why one in five moms in the US choose to quit their jobs to stay at home with their kids.
Being a stay-at-home mom is the hardest job of all. Yes, you’ve probably noticed how this phrase has been overstated in this article. That’s because no one can emphasize enough the tremendous challenge that comes with it, especially for first-time moms. When you are a SAHM, your work never stops. Literally, you’re on duty for 24 hours, 7 days a week. There’s no sick leave, vacation leave, not even a break! (Think about taking your whining toddler inside the bathroom). And if you still manage to drink your coffee while it’s hot, you’re lucky!
Okay. So how do you succeed in this job?
Don’t rely on everything, experience yourself.
It pays (a lot) to get help every time. Mom deserves a break too. But here’s the bitter reality – for the most part of being a mom, no one’s going to do things for you. More often than not, you have to deal with it on your own. Be prepared for financial challenges, especially if you’re raising your child alone. It’s good to know that you have various options, such as self-employed personal loans for single moms, to cope with urgent expenses and emergencies.
Get some new friends.
Yes, you need them. It would be great if you can get some new mom friends. It means so much for a mom to be able to share stories, experiences, and advice to other moms. When you’re a mom, you get to push yourself to the limits all the time. You don’t get to sleep four hours straight. When you get to lay down, you have a baby on your side, nursing. When she’s asleep, you get to do the household chores (that don’t seem to end). And sometimes, all you need is a reminder that what you are going through is normal and everything will be alright. Your mom-friends can give you comfort, encouragement, and motivation especially during the tough times.
You need to budget.
Yes, a big part of being a SAHM is managing the household budget. And it’s not easy, never. Part of your job is to make sure all the bills get paid on time, the fridge is full, and your kids get their school projects done. List your monthly expenses so you can easily budget your household income. Don’t forget to spare some for your savings account.
Find a hobby if you don’t have twins.
Happy mom, happy baby. Also, a happy mom is a happy wife. You need a break too. Even if that’s just 30 minutes a day sketching, sewing, cooking, or writing (whatever you fancy).
Drink your coffee while it’s hot.
Yes, you’re a mom and you’re up most of the time taking care of your children and being a wife to your husband. You deserve a good cup of coffee. Most of all, you deserve drinking it while it’s still hot!
You’re the best mom in the world.
You might feel like you’re doing a lot but haven’t accomplished anything each day. Well, you’re wrong. It takes a superhero with a real human superpower to raise kids. Keep going. You’ve got this!